Saturday, 24 February 2007

Wogger Mini 24

Wogger Mini 24
Continuing the adventures of our little red friend, we join him now in an underground tunnel....

We arrive to see a lantern tumble down. Click on the greenish-grey lump of rock in the middle and go to it.

If you click on the stick now, you will go along the stick and it will tip you to your death! So don't.

Instead, go down and to your left along the big grey root towards the lantern. Then you can light the lantern, and hang it on the near end of the big stick as a counterweight, enabling you to use it to cross the gap. Click on the stick twice to do that.

Once across, climb up the thin root towards the switch. Click the switch which releases a long piece of wood beneath you. Climb back down to the wood. Abrief flash of light to the left of the picture, and it's the end - for now.

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